IT Companies in Scotland: Infographic from Company Connecting
Category: Uncategorised
By Janice
We have researched 2,300+ Scottish IT companies and our information has been augmented by IT companies updating their profiles. Over the past few weeks we have provided infographics which summarised the details of IT companies across 8 regions of Scotland. We have included information on the sectors, business focus, skills, company size and also the towns where the businesses are located. It is clear that Scotland has a diverse mix of skills, which vary across the regions. 629 companies provide Software Development skills. 1,681 of companies have less 20 employees The top three sectors are IT, Oil & Gas and Financial Services. Clearly IT companies provide a lot of products and services to one another. There is a lot of information in the infographic below, particularly in the two word clouds. Hovering over the word clouds and the graphs will provide information on the number of IT companies. We have previously published infographics for all regions in Scotland and also Cambridgeshire. You can look at the other infographics from our blog or by clicking on the links for each of the locations for, Perthshire & Northern Scotland, Borders & South West Scotland, Stirling & Fife, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Cambridgeshire Please take a look at our infographic below. It is interactive, so you can hover over the word clouds and charts to get more information. Click here for more news. Register with Company Connecting here and check your company profile. Register with Company Connecting here to search Company Connecting IT COMPANIES IN SCOTLANDCreate your own infographics