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Scottish Edge is a competition to support Scotland’s innovative and entrepreneurial companies. It generally runs twice a year and has three categories of awards: Scottish Edge: for early stage companies and social enterprises. Awards up to £100K split by loan/grant Young Edge: all directors must be under 30. Awards up to £10K Wild Card Edge: for pre trading companies, sole traders and partnerships. Awards up to £10K The Scottish Edge site provides helpful information to support applications as well as details of al the previous winners.
UK Research and Innovation is sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. It is made up of 9 councils that work together to support innovation in the UK. The councils include Innovate UK and Research England, as well as councils for: Arts and Humanities Research (AHRC) Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research (BBSRC) Engineering and Physical Sciences Research (EPSCR) Economic and Social Research (ESRC) Medical Research (MRC) Natural Environment Research (NERC) Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) There is a ‘Funding Finder’ which contains over 130 funding opportunities. Many of the funds can provide substantial funding awards e.g. … Read more
The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations provides support to the voluntary sector. The site contains useful information for voluntary organisations including guides to digital services, skills remote working etc. It also has a searchable funding page which lists over 700 funds many of which are open to non charitable organisations. There are some really interesting options which may spark some innovative ideas!
Search for business support services in Scotland – this is a great link to a huge number of business services e.g. graduate placement scheme, grants, energy, self help guides etc. You can also search by geography and sector. Good insight to what is happening and what is available currently in Scotland
The purpose of the Scottish Business Resilience Centre is to provide business security .services and advice to companies. It works with Police Scotland, the Scottish Government, the Fire and Rescue services along with many private organisations. It works on the premise that ‘prevention is better than the cure’ and it will provide advice and assistance on resiliency to threats as well as help responding to an incidence. It has a free helpline (01786 437 472) companies can call if they have / are effected by a cyber attack SBRC provides a number of services and its well worth spending time … Read more
Interface is a great organisation which helps to connect entrepreneurs with Scottish Universities and Colleges. It provides funding via Innovation Vouchers to enable that collaboration. Its available to all Scottish SMEs and has various different forms: Standard Innovation Voucher of up to £5,000 for the academics institutions costs. The company contributes the same amount in cash or benefit-in-kind Student Placement Innovation Vouchers of up to £5,000 to fund a PhD or Masters student
Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC) runs regular Funding Competitions which have a 6 week application window. The next competition will run in October. It is worth checking the funding page regularly for more information. The projects supported are those which can help with the transition towards NetZero – with an obligation to test / trial within the UK Continental Shelf. Digital and Data Architecture are key funding areas. The purpose of NZTC is to support the deployment and development of technology towards a net zero energy industry
Analysis Logic delivers technology solutions. We assist our clients to achieve their business objectives through Information Technology. Our independent and neutral experts work closely with you to help you understand the real technology needs and requirements for your organisation. We then create an ICT strategy, devise realistic project plans and manage resources to achieve a successful outcome. Contact us if you are interested to learn how we’ve helped other organisations and how we can help your business get better results from technology now and in the future. IT Strategy (Roadmap)Business AnalysisProject ManagementVendor ManagementInterim IT ManagerVirtual CIO / Virtual CTOMentor/recruit ICT … Read more
The UK Government website for Innovation Funding services has a variety of funding opportunities e.g. Smart Grants – closing 25th July 2022, share of £25 million fund My World Collaborative Research & Development – closing 1st June 2022 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – closing 15th June 2022 Farming Innovation Programme – closing 29th June 2022
Scottish Enterprise changed the R&D support in 2020. This link provides details of the changes as wells as the open Funding Calls. As at May 2022 the open funding calls were: European Space Agency Proposals Knowledge Transfer Partnership Defence & Security Accelerator Energy Market Expert Support: Low Carbon Transport
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