2019 Cyber Security Companies infographic
Category: Blog
By Janice
We continue our 2019 infographic series on tech companies with a look at 485 tech companies that have skills in security / infosec.
Company Connecting has details of 4,700 tech companies on its database of which 3,000 are in Scotland. So about 10% of the tech companies have some cyber security /infosec skills.
We always find Cyber Security to be a growing tech sector with 20 new Scottish companies since our 2018 infographic (270 up to 290). This is the first time we have published an infographic on all cyber security /infosec companies on our database. (We concentrated on Scottish companies previously). Later this week we will publish a map providing details of where the companies are located.
Cyber security is becoming more important as the world becomes more interconnected. With the rise of IOT (Internet of things) and the worldwide increase in the use of electronic devices able to connect to the internet, cyber security threats are ever present with massive data breaches happening throughout the year. Billions of records can be stolen in one attack. Data breaches are not the only problem with crypto currency services losing vast sums. Fraud, old fashioned scams and social engineering are still huge problems. Between our 2018 and 2019 infographics there has been 20 more companies with cyber security as a skill in Scotland alone. Clearly the area has strong growth as that is a 7% increase in companies in one year.
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"2019 Cyber Security Companies infographic" First published on Company Connecting August 2019
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