2019 Map of tech companies with Cyber Security skills by Company Connecting

Category: Blog

By Janice


Company Connecting continues to look at different ways of representing the details of tech companies on our database. The map below provides information on companies by size and location. Clicking on each of the dots will provide further  details i.e. city, year formed, age, region, size, council, company type, company status, and Company Connecting reference.

This is a continuation of our Cyber Security series.

The majority of our research relates to Scottish companies but we are getting there with researching and adding companies from the rest of the UK too.

To be featured or find out more:

e-mail us on support@companyconnecting.com 

call us on 0845 643 5375

or contact Janice on Linkedin

"2019 Map of tech companies with Cyber Security skills by Company Connecting" First published on Company Connecting August 2019
©Company Connecting

