IT and Telecoms companies infographic: North East England 2019
Category: Blog
By Janice
Company Connecting is researching companies in the North East of England. The North East of England is one of the 9 official regions of England and covers Northumberland, County Durham, Tyne and Wear and part of North Yorkshire. We have used the DH, DL, NE, SR and TS post codes to identify the companies to include from our database in this infographic. So far, we have information on 242 IT and telecom companies in the NE of England. We expect this number to increase substantially as we continue our research. Companies can register with us and update their Company Connecting profiles. The infographic below provides a few insights into those companies in NE England on the Company Connecting database. Many of the companies are small: 50% have 10 employees or less, and only 8.58% have 20 employees or more. This is comparable with our figures for Scottish IT and telecoms companies. The SME sector is by far the largest sector serviced by those technology companies, followed by Education, Healthcare and Retail and Consumer goods sectors. As with all our infographics, Software development is top of the skills. 40% of the companies have Software development skills. Newcastle has by far the largest number of IT and telecoms companies, and accounts for 30% of the companies on Company Connecting in the region. This may be partly due to our prioritisation of adding companies. The infographic below is interactive, hover over the graphs for more information To be featured or find out more: e-mail us on call us on 0845 643 5375 or contact Janice on Linkedin "IT and Telecoms companies infographic: North East England 2019" First published on Company Connecting August 2019 ©Company Connecting