Social Media Tools You Need For Your Startup | Company Connecting
Category: Blog
By Janice
Social media is a great way for start-ups to communicate and engage with their customers. As a start-up, you have to make sure your social media game is on point, and most importantly in line with your audience. As the world of social media keeps expanding and gaining cultural relevance there are more and more tools being developed which help you optimise your reach and social media delivery. Here is a list of tools you do not want to miss out on:
1. Buffer- Scheduling
Buffer is one of the most comprehensive platforms for social media scheduling. Buffer will allow you to schedule posts on all social platforms from one place. You can set the date and time for the post, add pictures, hashtags, and so on… You can even set patterns for your posts. for example, you can set Buffer to post only on Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM, or every weekday at 7PM. Buffer also has a chrome extension which makes it even easier to use. Surf the web, pick the image you want to use, right-click it, and send it to Buffer - it will then post it whenever you set it up to. Buffer offers a free version which does most of the things you would need scheduling-wise, but to explore analytics, you will need the paid version.
2. IFTTT - Automation
IFTTT (If this, then that) may look like a more complicated tool but it can really change the dynamic of your social media campaigns. IFTTT will allow you to set up “sets of instructions” for your different tools and even devices. You can set it up to post a tweet natively on Twitter every time you share something on Instagram so you don’t need to tweet some text and an Instagram link. You can also set up IFTTT to automatically change your Twitter profile photo when you change it on Facebook. IFTTT is now integrated with Alexa and is completely free to use which makes it a must-have for social media automation.
3. (Link Tracking) will allow you to shorten your links or URLs. It allows you to individually monitor how many clicks the link gets, the date the link is clicked, where the users clicking are located, and what device they are using. Therefore, rather than sharing links out in the open, you’ll know exactly how effective your posts are. Once you’ve gathered some data you can optimise your content by tweaking it with another bit link to see which performs better. The shortened links will work on any platform, with any channel and are free to use.
4. Canva
Canva is an easy to use graphic design tool which is useful in creating engaging visual posts for your social media. You can easily select which type of content you’re creating as Canva has hundreds of templates which are specific for social media for you to choose from. Whether you’re doing a standard post on Facebook or creating a banner you can easily select the right template. There are also plenty of fonts you can choose from and you can easily drag and drop your own visuals to add to your posts.
All these tools will help you schedule, monitor and improve the content you post on social media. Make sure you also look into analytical tools offered by the platforms themselves. Facebook, for example, has a powerful scheduling and analytics tool within “Insights”. Instagram can also give you detailed analytics for each post and story. Earlier this year, Twitter launched Twitter Promote mode, where for a monthly fee, Twitter will push your posts throughout the platform. Most of the tools mentioned in this article are free or have free versions, make sure you try them out - they can really bring your social media game to the next level!
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"Social Media Tools You Need For Your Startup" First published on Company Connecting December 2018
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