13 Tools to manage Social Media – Startup Series part 13

Category: Blog

By Janice


Company Connecting continues its series of Startup articles with a look at the tools it uses to manage its social media.  In the 11th start up article we asked “When should you start thinking about social media?”. We received several interesting responses as well as queries on how we manage our social media channels. This article provides details of the tools used by Company Connecting to manage social media. We know that there are loads of different tools and methods available and would like to learn more about other useful tools. All of the tools we describe below are available free as well as via subscription.

Social Media Management
We use several tools daily to help us with creating and managing our posts. Our main social media channels are LinkedIn, Facebook and two Twitter feeds. We also post to Google+, Pinterest and Instagram and are currently reviewing whether we should work on increasing our use of these channels
We use the Pro version of Buffer to manage, schedule and share our posts for Twitter (@connecting and @janicegrantshaw), and to post to pinterest, instagram and two Google+ accounts.
The Pro version allows us to post to 10 social accounts, and schedule up to 100 posts for each social media account. Via Buffer analytics we  can see the impact of each post, and reschedule posts.
There is a free version (which we used initially) which is a good starting point to understand how Buffer works and may be all you need.
We also use buffer for LinkedIn and Facebook but more as a means of storing our posts, as it is not possible to ‘tag’ companies and people from Buffer
Manage Flitter
ManageFlitter has several functions. We use the free version to manage our Twitter followers. It is useful to find out the people who are not followig us back. The free version allows up to 20 ‘unfollows’ per day
Pixabay is a brilliant tool for finding images which are free to use. There are also images that you can pay for via shutterstock. Pixabay is our first port of call when looking for images.
We use Canva to create our own images or add text to other images. Canva has quite a library of free and chargeable images to get started. We tend to source our images via Pixabay, upload and update them in Canva
Finding the right tags is not always easy. We use the free version of Hashtagify to check on the popularity of tags and find more popular equivalents
We have several thousand followers on both our Twitter channels and we have created loads of lists so that we can see the tweets from: people we follow e.g. from our Company Connecting registered users, technology we are interested in e.g. cyber security, startups etc. Tweetdeck is a great means of viewing these lists so that we can retweet and pick up on interesting tweets.

Useful tools
We use a number of tools to monitor, and manage our content:
Klout provides an indication of the influence / effectiveness of our social media activities. It provides a ‘Klout score’ as an indicator of influence which we can monitor over a 90 day period
SEObook – keyword density
This is a useful tool to view the key word density for SEO. The SEObook site has extensive helpful information and tools. We dip in and out of the other tools and pages
Campaign URL Builder (Google Analytics)
This lets you build a URL so that you can add details of a campaign to a URL and then track it within Google Analytics
Linkedin Profile Plugin
We have loads of articles on the site, and where possible we add the Linked in URL to the author onto the article. This tool provides a bit more – see the linkedin contact details for Janice Grant Shaw below
Analytics tools
We use a few analytics standardtools. Most companies with a web presence will use all or some of the analytics tools below:
Google Analytics has many different ways of looking at what’s happening on your website. It’s worth taking a bit of time to get to grips with the tools that are useful to you
Twitter analytics provides great insights into the interest in your tweets. It’s a good tool to combine with the info provided by Buffer
Facebook Analytics is helpful for insights into posts. We use it from time to time.
So that’s the Company Connecting top 13 tools for managing social media. It would be good to get some feedback on the (inexpensive) tools and sites other people and companies use.
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"13 Tools to manage Social Media – Startup Series part 13" First published on Company Connecting May 2018
©Company Connecting

