Spotlight on Edinburgh: Startedin interview Wallscope

Category: Blog

By Janice


Tell us about your company and what you do?
Wallscope unlocks the value of an organisation’s data and quickly converts it into realisable information. Our technology uses Artificial Intelligence to directly link topics, concepts and associations that span any number of sources – including Excel and Word documents, web pages, emails and existing databases.
Your organisation can then present the findings within a custom-designed Wallscope dashboard, website or app – in real time and with little effort. This drastically reduces the time spent looking for and consolidating information, and creates new levels of insight.

What’s your role within the company? What’s the best thing about this role?
As the Communications Manager at Wallscope I help to explain what the technology does and the ways in which it can improve your working life. The speed at which Wallscope links data means your business can quickly gain new insights and present and interpret them in a visually engaging way that everyone can understand. It’s a really powerful tool and we all enjoy showing people how it can be used to transform their digital universe.
Recently we took part in CivTech, the world’s first cross public sector technology accelerator, which was a fantastic experience and allowed us to learn from and collaborate with industry experts and other innovative small businesses.

What advice would you give to people looking to pursue a career in tech in Edinburgh?
Edinburgh has a diverse tech community and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. There are networking events and meetups, such as TechMeetup, where you can share ideas and meet new people. There’s also a strong relationship with the academic community and a lot of collaborative working stems from that.
The Scottish Government recently announced funding of £1 million to drive forward new approaches to innovation, including the continuation of the CivTech accelerator, so new opportunities are appearing all the time. There are also a lot of collaborative working spaces and technology incubators – such as CodeBase where Wallscope is based – and CodeClan which offers flexible training in digital skills for both beginners and professionals.
Edinburgh is also home to ‘unicorn’ companies like SkyScanner and FanDuel which influence the tech scene here and promote and sponsor a series of events.

What are your growth ambitions for 2017?
Our technology can be applied across any sector where access to knowledge presents significant challenges and sustainable, lower-cost solutions are increasingly in demand. This approach is invaluable to data scientists and we are increasingly applying our technology to sectors such as health care, cultural institutions, retail, finance and academic research.

We’ll also be developing our team and seeking funding to continue product development and create market opportunities.

Written by Emma Findlow, Communications Manager at Wallscope

Phone: 0845 643 5375
First published on Company Connecting February 2017
©Company Connecting

