Edinburgh IT Companies: The 2017 Infographic Series from Company Connecting
Category: Blog
By Janice
We have taken a look at the IT companies that fall within the City of Edinburgh council area. We have identified 560 that fall within the area. The top three sectors are IT, Finance and Retail. This reflects the need that IT companies also have of skills to support their business. Edinburgh is known for its finance sector, so it’s no surprise that the Finance sector features so high.
Software Development as always features as the top skill by a considerable degree. The top 10 skills are dominated by web/app related skills.
This time we have looked at company size in two different ways, we have taken the EU definition of SME companies i.e. Micro (<10 employees), Small (10-49 employees), Medium (50 -249 employees). We have then classified all the rest as large. We have also provided the more detailed company size information.
For the first time we have taken a look at the accounts these companies file with Companies House. 83% of the companies we looked at have a ‘Total Exemption Small’ account type which reflects the size of these companies shown in the earlier graph.
So lots going on in Edinburgh. If you would like further information please contact us. We continue to prepare out whitepaper on Scottish IT companies.
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First published on Company Connecting February 2017
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