Scottish IT Companies Servicing the IT Industry: Infographic 2017
Category: Blog
By Janice
Our infographic on Scottish IT companies has attracted a lot of attention. Questions were raised about our information and how it may compare with other views of the Scottish IT industry. One area of interest was that our stats show the IT sector as the biggest customer sector for IT companies. We have taken a closer look at the data and the observations and infographic below provide some further insights.
To give our readers and users an idea of how to put our data into perspective, it is worth providing some background information. The Company Connecting data has been manually researched and is periodically reviewed and enriched by the work we carry out for organisations, and by IT companies themselves updating their Company Connecting profiles. The more information we have on a company, the more able we are to connect them with potential customers, partners, overseas bodies etc.
We define a “Scottish” company as a company that is registered in Scotland. We exclude companies which are primarily contractor vehicles and those companies that do not have a website – unless they are an early stage start up. The companies registered in Scotland tend to be smaller and so our information includes only a few large multinational organisations. Our data is very relevant, as there are many small innovative IT companies, and we would expect these to help to grow the digital economy.
The size of the companies helps to explain why IT companies are their own best customers. IT companies just like any other company need business support processes, systems and tools. IT supports business just like accounting, legal and HR. “IT” is extremely diverse – we have hundreds of skills on our database. So, IT companies outsource to other IT companies to supply skills and services which are not part of their core business.
We have taken a further look at the other sectors these companies are working in, along with the skills, size and location of the companies. The top sectors for companies that provide IT products to other IT companies are Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Financial Services , SME and Telecommunications. Software Development comes out as the top skill. Not surprisingly skills / services like hosting, security, managed services and cloud computing come out high. Web Development, however is much lower than we would have expected. The size of the companies is similar to the overall size of the other IT Scottish companies i.e. 75% have less than 20 employees and 5% have more than 100 employees.
Copy: All Scottish companiesCreate your own infographics
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First published on Company Connecting January 2017
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