In a Nutshell with Hazel Ewan of Tracker Environmental Software

Category: Blog

By Janice


Main Focus of the Business
Developing and delivering web based tools for Environmental Analytics. Our technology tracks & forecasts emissions, supporting environmental performance improvement for industries with significant environmental impacts.

What do you do now?
Business Development Director supporting the strategic growth of the company, our IT products and services.

What was your very first job?
Systems Analyst for Conoco (Continental Oil Company). Writing code for offshore oil & gas platform monitoring  and auto shutdown systems. It was a very interesting start to my career – really focussed me on the need for attention to detail and to get it right!

How did you get into IT?
I enjoyed Maths at school so chose to study Computer Science at university as it offered continued mathematical work as well as exciting job opportunities upon qualification. My whole working career has been in IT with exposure to an incredible rate of innovation since university days.

Interesting fact about You?
I was one of the first women to work on an offshore oil platform in the UK. Along with the odd female petroleum engineer, we were a rare phenomenon. In the 70’s offshore life was definitely a man’s world!

Favourite Place?
Italy. What is there not to like! Lakes, mountains, coastline. The Italians are so passionate. Great climate, walking routes, food and wine. Must get my next holiday booked…..

Dream Car?
Personally cars are very much a functional item and I certainly do not dream of having a particular model. My desired mode of transport would be a super sleek motor launch…. Along with a beautiful lakeside house and jetty to moor it at!

Who would you most like to meet and why?
Charles Babbage, a British mechanical engineer and polymath – the origins of the IT geek! He came up with the concept of the programmable computer in the early 1900’s. I would love to ask him what he thinks of our tech today. Did he ever imagine the computer being so integral to our lives?

Current Aspirations for the business?
Europe is at the forefront with technology to better manage environmental impacts.  We want to share our expertise and offer best-in-class IT solutions globally. Global environmental impacts are guesstimates, if we are not monitoring and measuring how do we improve?

To Find out More:

e-mail us on 

call us on 0845 643 5375

or contact Janice on Linkedin 

First published on December 2015
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